How to make almond milk (the best organic and homemade recipe)

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How to make almond milk (the best organic and homemade recipe)

How to make almond milk (the best organic and homemade recipe)

"Wondering how to make almond milk? This simple and quick recipe will tell you exactly how to make the best organic homemade almond milk!"

Prep Time 1 minute
Cook Time 5 minutes
Total Time 6 minutes


  • Almonds - 150g / 1 cup / 5.3 oz
  • Water - 730ml / 3 cups / 25.7 fl oz
  • Stevia (optional) - To your preference, if you like sweetened almond milk


  1. Put all the almonds and half the water in a blender.
  2. If you have time, allow the almonds to soak for 30 minutes or so. If you don't have time, it's not a problem, but you may get less yield. If your blender struggles to blend almonds, you can also blend the almonds by themselves before putting the water in.
  3. Blend for 1 minute.
  4. Strain the mixture through a strainer/sieve, collecting the almond milk in a container underneath.
  5. Press the remaining almonds in the strainer/sieve, to squeeze out as much almond milk as you can.
  6. Take a look at the almond milk you have. If you like it thick and creamy, you may want to stop here. If you like it runnier, put the blended almonds back in to the blender and add the remaining water.
  7. Blend for 1 minute.
  8. Strain the mixture through a strainer/sieve, collecting the almond milk in the container underneath.
  9. As before, press the remaining almonds in the strainer/sieve, to squeeze out as much almond milk as you can.
  10. If you want to make this homemade almond milk sweeter you can add a natural sweetener, such as Stevia. Around 1tsp should make it start to taste a bit sweeter. Add the sweetener to the almond milk and blend it once more (without the almond pulp).
  11. Don't throw the almond pulp away! You can dry it out in an oven at a low temperature and use it in recipes that use almonds.


  • Each person likes their almond milk a different thickness. I have put the amount of water I like to use. If you like it thicker and creamier, just use less water!
  • If you have time, allow the almonds to soak for 30 minutes or so. If you don't have time, it's not a problem, but you may get less yield, depending on your blender.
  • If your blender struggles to blend almonds, you can also blend the almonds by themselves before putting the water in.
  • I personally do not add sweetener to my almond milk, as I prefer to add it if needed in recipes. But if you like sweetened almond milk, feel free to add a natural sweetener, such as Stevia, to your taste. Around 1tsp should start to make it taste a bit sweeter.
  • Don't throw the almond pulp away! You can dry it out in an oven at a low temperature and use it in recipes that use almonds.
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